A Story of Intentional Change

At the core of my experience is a story of change and intent. My path in product design spans connected devices/IoT, media/entertainment, telecom, healthcare and agriculture—where I merge modern product development practices with technology and user needs shifting industries, achieving business objectives and enhancing lives. My motivation? It's about relentlessly pushing for solutions that contribute to the greater good, my team and the companies I work for, believing in design's ability to tackle complex problems, and reveling in the success of the solutions that drive growth and the achievements of the teams I lead.

My career path is more than a collection of roles; it's a commitment to creating spaces where great design can happen, where imagination meets action, where change in organizations, operations and culture are embraced, and where a collective drive propels us forward. I excel in transforming groups of individuals into inspired and empowered teams, connecting stakeholders, and devising plans that turn visions into reality. Every project, from connecting people to things, improving health and safety outcomes to advancing sustainable agriculture, is a chance to leave a significant mark.

Why do my abilities stand out? Because they inspire teams to action, unite individuals around shared goals, transforming ideas into meaningful experiences. They're about guiding with empathy, fostering progress with clarity, and consistently putting human needs and values first in the design journey. In a world that's always changing, I am a constant ally, dedicated to excellence, experimentation, and the infinite potential of what we can accomplish together. Let's create the future, one amazing experience at a time.