Company: Notion, A Comcast Company.

Role: Design Director.

Time: 2.5 years.

Responsibilities: Focused on branding, setting the experience vision, crafting design strategy, scaling and growing the team, vendor management, improving design operations and processes.

Team: 2 Product Designers within a 30-person startup.


  • Design overlooked, leading to late-stage inclusion with limited resources.

  • Branding, hardware, packaging, UX and visual design inconsistent across channels.

  • Faltering online revenue, and high cart abandonment.

  • Poor user experiences and missed market differentiation opportunities.

Outcomes and Impact

  • Mentored Notion founders at TechStars before joining on design thinking, positioning design as a key strategic business lever.

  • Doubled design team and delivery speed, significantly enhancing product development pace.

  • Collaborated with CEO and CTO to craft Notion’s pitch deck, securing $10m in Series A funding.

  • Directed a comprehensive e-commerce usability audit, boosting revenue by 23% and average order value by 40.2%.

  • Improved product installation process, cutting time by over 50% and significantly reducing returns while boosting customer ratings.


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